Saturday, 25 June 2011

Note to self...

Just flicking through some sites and found this on Core77. It's an overview of a new form of visual thinking by Craighton Berman. This is a very nice way of taking notes since we humans are very visual creatures! And plus my slow note taking is rubbish so I'm definitely going to use this technique for my lectures! :D

Sunday, 19 June 2011


Hey everyone, I'd like to welcome you all to my new blog. This one will be different to my previous one which only showed various forms of artworks that I made, I've reserved that now for a portfolio site that I'm preparing and will instead use this blog space as a place to let loose with my creativity. I'd like to think this blog is a place where I can take the pressure off the demands of art and design and just have fun with whatever comes to mind!
So without further ado, I'll start this post off with a quote from one of many people I look up to - the legendary Tom Matano. Always inspired was his motto and his form of aspiration to all. And what a great form of motivation it is, hence why the quote is featured as my blog title.

My inspiration, a Mazda drawing I did a while back, thought I might sneak it in!